Tide Pools & Kalia Vandever / Immanuel Wilkins

Join Green Lung Studio as we welcome continue our summer music series curated by Eli Rojas. Seating is limited. Get tickets today.

Tide Pools is Hannah Marks (bass), Connor Parks (drums), and Alfredo Colon (alto saxophone). Along with their self-penned compositions, the trio’s repertoire reflects a diversity of influences from an Appalachian folk tune to songs by free jazz pioneers Ornette Coleman and Paul Motian to a jingle from a Dominican rum commercial. Water is a running theme throughout the group, as evidenced by the churning swirl of an “anti-soloist” agenda and their free-flowing musical leader roles.

Tide Pools has presented livestream concerts for The Jazz Gallery, SEEDS:BK, Civic Music Association, Merrimans’ Playhouse, and My Invisible City. All three members are active in the New York City music scene regularly performing at venues like The Jazz Gallery, Birdland, the Blue Note, and Jazz at Lincoln Center. Their individual festival appearances include Hyde Park Jazz Festival, Newport Jazz Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, Afropunk, and the Detroit Jazz festival.

Kalia Vandever is a trombonist and composer based in Brooklyn, NY. Kalia released her debut album, In Bloom in May, 2019. Her original compositions, featured on 'In Bloom' move "with an unhurried, sighing attitude" (New York Times) and document her breakout as a bandleader and composer. While performing regularly as a bandleader and side-woman, Kalia is also an active composer and arranger. She has been commissioned to write works for groups and individuals including Tesla Quartet, The Westerlies, Katherine Kyu Hyeon Lim, and Hats & Heels Duo, to name a few.

Immanuel Wilkins is a saxophonist, composer, educator, and bandleader from the greater Philadelphia area. Being a bandleader with a working group for over four years has allowed Wilkins to grow both as a composer and as an arranger — and has led to him receiving a number of commissions including, most recently, from The National Jazz Museum in Harlem, The Jazz Gallery Artist Residency Commission Program (A collaboration with Sidra Bell Dance NY, 2020 ) and The Kimmel Center Artist in Residence for 2020 ( a collaboration with photographer Rog Walker and videographer David Dempewolf)

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